This is an online document only. Pneumatic. Que peut-on faire pour éviter de modifier par inadvertance un document terminé . ▸ Terms of use and legal terms © B: BAT 1 and 2 push buttons do not need to be selected ON if external power is available. idle ! Question Bank Airbus A320 own grow old to acquit yourself reviewing habit. You could not and no-one else going in the manner of ebook hoard or library or borrowing from your contacts to way in them. Q ! Category : Aptitude tests > Various, others. *st be selected off on cold days only, C: They ! When you have worked through these, you can pass a typical type rating exam. air valve fails, ": 'lectrically operated and pne*!atically controlled, C: +pens a*to!atically d*ring engine starting. in the open config*ration, A: Fho*ld be opened for increased ventilation %hile on the gro*nd, ": )ill open a*to!atically after engine start, C: Fho*ld be opened for increased ventilation %hile in flight, Q !: 8hat limitation is associated $ith the ram air #al#e&, C: )ill not open if the DITC
9 and engine 3;77" s$itches >9 $ith engines running $hat is the, ": es, !an*ally set landing elevation *sing the 3/D '3'V A7T+ selector, Q !! *: Placing the 7=,-AC, push button to o#erride: ": .laces the avionics ventilation syste! ▸ Web directories, By browsing this website, you accept our cookie and privacy policy, AIRBUS A320 FCOM DSC-22 AUTO FLIGHT Part5, AIRBUS A320 FCOM DSC-22 AUTO FLIGHT Part4, AIRBUS A320 FCOM DSC-22 AUTO FLIGHT Part3, AIRBUS A320 FCOM DSC-22 AUTO FLIGHT Part2, AIRBUS A320 FCOM DSC-22 AUTO FLIGHT Part8, AIRBUS A320 FCOM DSC-22 AUTO FLIGHT Part6, AIRBUS A320 FCOM DSC-22 AUTO FLIGHT Part9, AIRBUS A320 FCOM DSC-22 AUTO FLIGHT Part7. 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Airbus A320/A321 Systems Quiz. is free. Q 12: ,rim air #al#e each one optimizes the temperature b%: ": Is spring loaded open in the absence of air, C: +pens a*to!atically in case of d*ct overheat, D: +pens a*to!atically if the cabin tri! This is why you remain in the best website to look the incredible book to have. Aviation Trial Exam Pilot Exam Aviation Book. Categories: Air Conditioning/⦠C: Both are correct. A320 Type Rating Question Bank 850+ Questions, 18 Categories The Airbus A320 Type Rating Question banks is the perfect preparation tool designed to get you up to speed with all elements of each syllabus. What Is The Cost Of Type Rating On An Airbus A321 A330. May 11th, 2018 - Mon 03 Apr 2017 23 57 00 GMT type rating a320 question pdf Plustek OpticPro A320 is USB 2 0 scanning device that can scan an A3 size document with''Theoretical A330 GECF6 or A340 CFM56 to A318 A319 A320 May 11th, 2018 - machinesa320 type rating question bank aviation insiderdownload a320 exam pdf lazarusfry s blog download type rating a320 question bank pdf ⦠Disclaimer: NOT approved by American Airbus A320 Flight Training Dept. A319/A320/A321 flight deck â overhead panel The overhead panel is âsingle slopeâ and one inch higher than on previous Airbus aircraft. Type Rating Training A320 B737 BAA Training. Replies. C: The hot air press. Q 01: To start the APU the: A: BAT 1 and 2 push buttons must be selected to ON. Reply Delete. D: Cargo ventilation a!pE avionics cooling. Q 1*: 7ngine flo$ demand $hen the heating or cooling demand in one zone cannot be satisfied: A: The !ini!*! EASA.A.064 Airbus A318, A319, A320, A321 Single Aisle. Question Bank Airbus A320 fiction, history, novel, scientific research, as capably as various extra sorts of books are readily straightforward here. Airbus a320 Type Rating Question Bank. Theoretical A330 GECF6 or A340 CFM56 to A318 A319 A320. Q 0+: ,o enable -am air to the mi.ture unit ,he -am air s$itch should be used: B: $nl% when differential press"re is less than 1 psi. Q 2*: 4nder $hat conditions should the pac) flo$ controller be set to ;>&, ": )ith a lo% passenger load to increase cabin te!perat*re, C: )ith a high passenger load to red*ce cabin te!perat*re, D: In cold conditions to achieve a higher cabin te!perat*re range, Q 2+: 8hich statement is correct regarding illumination of the amber A?, (@>; VA;V7 fault, A: A*to!atically closes the aft cargo co!part!ent isolation valves, B: eans that either the inlet or o"tlet isolation valve3s4 disagrees with the switch, C: Indicates that the e(tract fan has stopped. air valves open, Q 0! 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Q 2: Pressurization controllers recei#e inputs from: Q 2: 8hat computers control the cabin and coc)pit conditioned air&, A: T%o one controllers that pass infor!ation and reB*ests to t%o pack controllers, ": T%o pack controllers that pass infor!ation and reB*ests to three one controllers, C: Three one controllers that pass infor!ation and instr*ctions to t%o pack controllers for, : $ne 'one controller that passes information and instr"ctions to two pack controllers for, A: If additional cooling is reB*ired on the gro*nd, Q !0: 8hat happens $hen a temperature selector rotar% )nob is adusted&, ": /othing as there is no relationship bet%een a te!perat*re selector knob and the tri! controls the temperature of the cooling air b%: A:&Adding air conditioned air to the flo%, : !assing air thro"gh a skin heat e#changer. 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