Neoregelia ‘Fireball’ bildet an ihren Seitenausläufern schnell neue Jungpflanzen, über die sie problemlos vegetativ vermehrt werden kann. All plants shipped bare root without soil unless otherwise noted. Reviews 0 Reviews Be the first to review this product. Description: Burgundy foliage multiple stolonifera. Add to cart Compare. Super Fireball.? Free shipping. Neoregelia 'Super Fireball' - Bromeliad : Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden - Richmond, Virginia, USA $25.00. Add to Wishlist Description; Reviews (0) Description. … OUT OF STOCK. Average 6" -7" across. 5,40 € inkl. This handsome tropical is varying shades of green and red all over. Neoregelia leviana L.B.Sm. Pupping readily this bromeliad will be easy to share with friends or … Neoregelia lilliputiana E.Pereira: Sie kommt nur im brasilianischen Bundesstaat Espírito Santo vor. The leaves contain various patterns, stripes and spots. Neoregelia Super Fireball 25 Review(s) Diese Gattung bringt die vielleicht farbigsten Arten innerhalb der Familie der Bromelien hervor. Fireball. Neoregelia "Zoe" from 4.99. TROPIC FLORE Route de Bagnéres - FR 65100 - ARCIZAC EZ ANGLES Tel. : +49 (0)241 412 279 68 OUT OF STOCK. Mar 18, 2020 - This Pin was discovered by Deja Kutch. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Neoregelia 'Fireside Glow' sarmentosa (rubra) X kautskyi. Fireball Bromeliad Plant (bromelia neoregelia) – Super short and stout. Jun 10, 2020 - Neoregelia 'Super Fireball' - Bromeliad Paradise Neoregelias produce lots of intensely colored leaves and form a round, decorative, médium-sized rosette. 4" Neoregelia Super Fireball. NEO. Wird sie mit schwachen Lichtquellen beleuchtet oder liegt der Standort zu weit von der Beleuchtung entfernt, entwickelt sich ihre Färbung in ein sattes Grün. When in bloom, neos produce a rosette in the center surrounded by intense coloring which varies from plant to plant. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Foliage adds bold texture to beds and borders. Sign-up and receive monthly inventory updates, special offers and be the first to see new plant introductions. Bright red like 'Fireball' or 'Super Fireball', it … Try Prime EN Hello, Sign in Account & Lists Sign in Account & Lists Returns & Orders Try Prime Cart. Neoregelia Super Fireball Bromeliad one tropical plant. This Neo Hybrid is larger than 'Fireball' but smaller than compacta. 10 watchers. $20.50 + shipping . How to Care for a Neoregelia 'Fireball'. $10.50. Pupping readily this bromeliad will be easy to share with friends or expand as a ground cover in the southern garden. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Stk In den Warenkorb. Plant database entry for Bromeliad (Neoregelia 'Super Fireball') with 5 images and 30 data details. BROMELIACEAE DA MATA ATLÂNTICA BRASILEIRA retrieved 22 October 2009; BSI Cultivar Registry Retrieved 11 October 2009 This Neoregelia article is a stub. This tropical epiphyte thrives with humidity, often going two weeks without supplemental water. Besonders bei Halter von Pfeilgiftfröschen ist Neoregelia ‘Green Fireball’ sehr beliebt, da sie perfekt geeignet ist, um in ihren Blattachseln Kaulquappen abzusetzen und Brutpflege zu betreiben. More intense burgundy red. The leaves contain various patterns, stripes and spots. Buy It Now +$9.60 shipping. Feb 2012--Telly\'s Greenhouse, Troy, MI. Watch; BROMELIAD Neoregelia KING'S RANSOM Colorful Young Plant! Bromeliads also hold water in their leaves, providing deposition sites for … Mar 18, 2020 - This Pin was discovered by Deja Kutch. Neoregelia 'Super Fireball' Leaf: Neoregelia 'Super Fireball' Leaf: Neoregelia 'Super Fireball' ^Top of Page. These cookies do not store any personal information. Neoregelia 'Super Fireball' Bromeliad . Comments: Great groundcover bromeliad a deep shade of red.Can be a climber. Je mehr Licht desto besser das Wachstum und umso intensiver die Farben. Neoregelia Super Fireball – carries on the Fireball tradition. Neoregelia "Fireball" is a small to medium sized bromeliad that is perfect for 12x12x18 or 18x18x24 ExoTerra tanks. Super showy with it’s bright red foliage when grown under strong lighting! Super Fireball Fingernail Bromeliad (Neoregelia 'Super Fireball'): Intense burgundy red leaves brighten their colors in bright to full sun light. Neoregelia "Tigrina" from 6.99. Wunschzettel Vergleichsliste Frage zum Produkt. They like bright light. Great non-hardy plant for adding a tropical feel to a landscape. Previous Next. Neoregelia "Super Fireball" from 4.99. Ideal für Terrarien ab den Maßen von 30x30x30cm Kunden kauften dazu folgende Produkte Neoregelia fireball mini Nr. Get Free Shipping on all orders $120 or more. While blooming the colors in the center of … Watch; Neoregelia Voodoo Doll, Bromeliad Plant Shipped in 2.5" Pot. Neoregelia "Guacamole" from 9.99. This handsome tropical is varying shades of green and red all over. Neoregelia “Fireball” plants are Brazilian bromeliads that produce a massive cluster of plants. A special and rare mini Neo.? $9.95. $7.50 ( 0 Reviews) A larger form of the small Neo. Neoregelia 'Firebird' olens 'Marie' X 'Fireball' Neoregelia 'Firefly' 'Firewitch' X 'Fire Bird' Neoregelia 'Firelight' 'Fireball' X burle-marxii. Spreads rapidly. Neoregelia 'Super Fireball' is a cross of ' Fireball' X compacta. Ihre Blüte besteht -typisch für die Gattung Neoregelia- aus vielen kleinen blauen Blüten, die tief in die Rosettenmitte eingenistet sind. Its stoloniferous habit makes this a great plant where you are looking for the 'clustering' effect. Neoregelia 'Fireball' X ampullacea. Neoregelia ‘Super Fireball’ Common Name: Origin: Height: 6” Light: Partial sun to full sun Water: In cup, periodically Bloom: Low bloom in cup once mature. Information; Reviews (0) Availability: In stock Delivery time: 1-5 Business Days OR Same Day Pick up: Add your review. 3,50 € Tilla Neoregelia ‘Fireball’ erreicht einen Durchmesser von etwa 25cm und färbt sich bei ausreichender Beleuchtung knallig rot. Neoregelia Super Fireball Bromeliad, Rare Hybrid Tropical, 6 Pack (Excludes Ca) Sold Out $ 155.99. Neoregelia 'Fireside Glow' sarmentosa (rubra) X kautskyi. : Neoregelia meeana Reitz ): Sie kommt in Brasilien nur im Bundesstaat Amazonas, in Peru nur in der Region Huanaco und in Venezuela nur im Bundesstaat Amazonas vor. (Servicezeit: Mo-Fr 10-18 Uhr). Super Fireball are very easy to grow plants that require little care. Neoregelia "Hawaii" from 22.49. pauciflora but it also has a bit of the cherry color influence of Neo. It is absolutely striking in color and is more burgundy red than it's smaller red parent. Application: Landscape; Light Condition: Partial - Full Sun OUT OF STOCK. Powered by Shopify. LEAVES OF ALL AND PATTERNS. Super showy with it’s bright red foliage when grown under strong lighting! Light Condition: Partial – Full sun. They can be grown outdoors in zone 10 but will need to be brought Neoregelia Super Fireball Click thumbnails for full size, scaled to a new window. State Nursery Container Description / Features / Specs Price; FL Atchison Exotics, Inc. Delray Beach, FL. Species: Neoregelia ‘Superball’ ('Fireball' x compacta) Common name(s): Bromeliad, Neo, Brom Native to: Temperature preferences: Warm to cool growing Water preferences: Medium moisture Terrestrial or Epiphytic: Epiphytic General Information and Care: Neoregelia ‘Superball’ ('Fireball' x compacta) Neoregelias are a type of epiphytic Bromeliad that grow all over Central and South America. About 20% shade is ideal. your own Pins on Pinterest ... from 6.99. $9.95. Batteriehinweise, Über uns This bromeliad is green to bright red, and like many other bromeliads, will elicit its best color under high light. It Artikelnummer: XS316. OUT OF STOCK. Buy It Now +$8.00 shipping. FrogDaddy. It is absolutely striking in color and is more burgundy red than it's smaller red parent. Fireball Bromeliad Plant (bromelia neoregelia) – Super short and stout. Free returns. BROMELIAD Neoregelia ANDROMEDA Pretty Tough Sun Loving Compact Grower! Wenn Sie auf dieser Seite weitersurfen, stimmen Sie der Cookie Nutzung zu. Widerrufsbelehrung Neoregelia "Guacamole" from 9.99. Comments: Great groundcover bromeliad a deep shade of red.Can be a climber. $12.00. Bright red like 'Fireball' or 'Super Fireball… Bromeliads are epiphytic and will send roots out in order to attach to other plants, rocks, or backgrounds. $20.00. Zone 9b FL, one tough plant, can handle lots of sun. With no distinct pattern every plant is an original. Buyer receives offset 1/3 to 2/3 size of mature plant. Versand & Zahlungsbedingungen Previous Next. Feb 2012--Telly\'s Greenhouse, Troy, MI. Neoregelia 'Super Fireball' Neoregelia 'Warren Loose' Neoregelia 'Windflower' References. Auch geeignet für kleine, feuchte Terrarien ab 30x30x30cm, in denen andere Bromelien schnell wegrotten. They average 6 to 8 inches across and are very prolific, so they will quickly form large clumps. Neoregelia 'Fireball' 4" quantity. Neoregelia Super Fireball; Neoregelia Super Fireball. Baumfarnplatten & andere Wandverkleidungen. This listing is for a 4″ potted Neoregelia ‘Fireball‘ – this is a a great all around easy to grow miniature bromeliad! You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. shipping: + $6.00 shipping . Adding to your cart. Note that the blooming cycle of each plant varies throughout the year. Perfect as a landscape groundcover! A unique, colorful variety for warm climate gardens! Neoregelia fireball mini. Both indoor and outdoor gardeners and collectors love this bromeliad fills the garden with its smaller size and multiple spreading pups. Neoregelia Sparkling Beauty has much of the shape of Neo. About 20% shade is ideal. These are mature offsets from … Neoregelia Super Fireball Bromeliad: Garden & Outdoor. View picture of Neoregelia Bromeliad 'Super Fireball' (Neoregelia) at Dave's Garden. Mobil: +49 (0)176 242 524 55 5% USt., zzgl. They can be grown outdoors in zone 10 but will need to be brought Neoregelia Bromeliad 'Super Fireball' by DaylilySLP Sep 16, 2014 1:36 PM. Often multiplies and climbs by producing new pups. Spineless short leaves begin green and transform in to a brilliant red and pink burning brightest in the center of the plant. Description: Burgundy red stoleniferous foliage. 2 (bromelie) They add a wonderful tropical accent to any outdoor space, garden or patio. Membre du Jardin Botanique des Pyrénées Occidentales - Mentions légales - Mentions légales Neoregelia Super Fireball - LPNEOSFB - Featured Bromeliads (Bare Root) - Neoregelias produce lots of intensely coloured leaves and form a round, decorative, medium-sized rosette, making it suitable for small to medium enclosures. Neoregelia 6″ Super Fireball. Versand sofort verfügbar. Neoregelia Super Fireball Bromeliad one tropical plant. Neoregelia Fireball Bromeliads House Plants FREE SHIPPING . Höhe bis 15cm, Rosettendurchmesser bis etwa 25cm. Neoregelia Super Fireball Bromeliad. Qty: Share: Sold Out Add to Wishlist Additional Info Reviews Additional Info SKU: N456. Bei dieser attraktiven Bromelie handelt es sich aufgrund ihrer intensiven Färbung, der hohen Anpassungsfähigkeit und ihres schnellen Wachstums um eine sehr beliebte Terrarienpflanze, die in keinem Regenwaldterrarium fehlen darf. Delivery Options: * Quantity: Increase Quantity: Decrease Quantity: Selected pickup or delivery date is not final and may change based on availability. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. More BLACK FRIDAY SALE! Add to Watchlist Unwatch. Average 6" -7" across. Neoregelia Fireball Super (1G / 8") $75.00. Perfect for your windowsill, terrarium or vivarium! Sie erhalten eine auf Xaxim oder Kork aufgebundene Pflanze. Ships from United States. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. OUT OF STOCK. Kategorie: Bromelien. Its stoloniferous habit makes this a great plant where you are looking for the 'clustering' effect. 52074 Aachen Bromeliad Neoregelia Super Fireball, 8" -10" wide, Beautiful tough small-grower! Neoregelia 'Firewitch' ampullacea X 'Lacquered Red' With no distinct pattern every plant is an original. They average 6 to 8 inches across and are very prolific, so they will quickly form large clumps. Fireball Bromeliad (Neoregelia) is a TropicalPlants favorite. Sign in to check out Check out as guest . Wird sie mit schwachen Lichtquellen beleuchtet oder liegt der Standort zu weit von der Beleuchtung entfernt, entwickelt sich ihre Färbung in ein sattes Grün. 7/ago/2018 - Lourenço Aguiar encontrou este Pin. pauciflora but it also has a bit of the cherry color influence of Neo. Save up to 15% when you buy more. Neoregelia punctatissima. Neoregelia Super Fireball 25 Review(s) This is probably by far the most colorful genus of the whole Bromeliad family. , Inc. Delray Beach, FL like a 'Super Fireball ' by DaylilySLP Sep 16, 2014 1:36 PM Wachstum! That is perfect for 12x12x18 or 18x18x24 ExoTerra tanks 4 mini Bromeliad Neoregelia ANDROMEDA Pretty tough Sun Loving grower! Epiphyte thrives with humidity, often going two weeks without supplemental water ) Diese Gattung bringt vielleicht... 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