Your team will thank you for being able to find the information they need, when they need it, therefore speeding up ‘response times’. The After Action Review (AAR) process was developed by the military as a way for everyone to learn quickly from soldiers’ experiences in the field. If you can get your key staff to regularly pass on what they know, then you have a self perpetuating system that’s constantly upskilling your workers and driving evolution. It can increase social interaction, help to solve problems in an efficient way, and preserve pre-existing knowledge in an easy-to-find place. You can translate this method to customers too. Where mentoring is relationship focus, coaching is task focused. 6 Ways Your Leadership Team Can Encourage Knowledge Sharing 1. Set aside time for face-to-face collaboration. Choose another team member (who is not the new hire’s superior) that exemplifies knowledge sharing and collaboration and allow the new hire to shadow them for a day or two as they work. With a knowledge sharing asset working alongside these contributory methods, you’ll be able to tap into the wealth of internal knowledge within your business. Employees will not feel comfortable sharing knowledge and ideas if... 2. For more tips on selecting a knowledge sharing solution, click. Use collaborative suites like Trello, Asana, Basecamp, and etc. 3. Whether you have an unorganized heap of knowledge or a knowledge hoarding problem, many organizations fall flat when it comes to knowledge management. Five steps outline a practical way to share best practices to help organizations learn from their successes and improve their programs. There are many different ways to reward team members who embody the knowledge sharing movement. The point is to change up the scene. For more tips on selecting a knowledge sharing solution, click here. Make it a point to seek out the opinion of new hires, and and as a result, they will become more comfortable offering their opinions freely. This article examines knowledge sharing at the most basic level; namely, between individuals in organizations. Set aside time to share and contribute content. : Who says conference rooms have to consist of one large table that demands everyone sit in a nice, neat, rectangle? Compares intended results with what was actually accomplished, Emphasizes trust and the value of feedback. Methods for knowledge management are becoming more and more sophisticated. As corporate organizations get more digital and employees have access to a ton of information, the concept of knowledge sharing becomes critical.. Not only is knowledge sharing important for the internal communication between executives and employees, but to develop a more unified and engaged workforce. Nothing has the power to bring folks together like coffee does, and having multiple coffee stations throughout the office will encourage people to speak to co-workers they may not usually interact with while they wait on their pour-over to brew at a glacial pace. Sharing best practices is a good way to improve performance by replicating successes throughout an organization. Your company could benefit from an ongoing review process. New employees are sometimes thrown into the deep end and expected to sink or swim. Building a space that encourages collaboration doesn’t have to be a full-blown remodel. Empower support agents with knowledge so they can be more productive and offer exceptional customer service. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Knowledge sharing is essential for a company to achieve success, since it can facilitate decision-making capabilities, build learning organizations (through a learning routine) and finally, stimulate cultural change and innovation. Social messengers like WhatsApp and Telegram help record informal discussions at workplaces. Mentoring offers unique opportunities to share guidance, cultural knowledge, and skills. food). This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. User ForumsUser forums are a means of interaction between the employees on technical, organizational, and other related matters. By fostering a digitally driven culture of collaboration, they break down silos, share knowledge more effectively and compete more successfully. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. People have different gifts. In a nutshell: A peer assist is the coming together of a team working on an activity or project to share knowledge and insights, improving the skills of all involved. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. 5 Ways To Increase Knowledge Sharing In Your Organization 1. Here are five methods you can use to embrace knowledge sharing and maximize the value of internal information in your business. With this method in action, the performance of the whole organisation improves in a timely manner. to track processes. situations for knowledge transfer and knowledge capture. Many organizations underestimate the amount of energy involved in the onboarding process. Storytelling is an old technique, dating back throughout most of human history. This is not something many consider when making efforts to increase knowledge sharing within an organization, but the, Think of fast food restaurants; they intend to move customers through their establishment as quickly as possible (hence the name. Or use collaboration tools that make sharing and retrieving organizational knowledge easy. Organize ‘show and tell’ meetings where people can talk about what they’ve been working on. However, new hires often spend weeks, or even months, feeling too nervous to contribute their ideas in a group setting. Using a Knowledge Sharing Tool; Organizations require a tool for sharing best practices. Mentoring is about two people (the mentor and the mentee) working together to develop goals for the mentee. Sharing knowledge and collaboration in organizations need multiple tools and use cases. Companies are now actively promoting effective knowledge-sharing among their employees, whether verbally or digitally, thereby leading to better business decisions and greater value creation. Of course, this setup is sometimes necessary, but if you have multiple conference rooms, try setting one or two up in a less formal way. Organization should put emphasis on a culture of “Knowledge Sharing rather than ... friends, and organization. Companies should consider implementing mentoring relationships and mentor training as an investment in the future knowledge stock of the organisation. Encourage various forms of knowledge sharing.. Get ready, because it’s about to … Coaching is much more structured and focuses on specific objectives within a set period of time – it’s mainly concerned with performance and the development of certain skills. Knowledge sharing can help organisations understand ways to strengthen relationships and networks. Whether through a formal program or an informal connection, mentorship is an excellent way to share knowledge while building a mutually rewarding professional relationship. Although you may not have thought of it this way, training and employee on-boarding are part of an organization’s knowledge-sharing process. On the other hand, constant knowledge sharing brings seemingly endless benefits to organizations. At first glance, training and onboarding and knowledge sharing seem unrelated. Knowledge Sharing Tools. Making the most of these benefits will help your company create new competitive advantages in the market and ultimately has the potential to have a significant impact on your bottom line. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Knowledge sharing can bring endless benefits to your company. Any organisation that thrives on the open and unrestricted flow of knowledge will thrive. Encourage your employees to contribute to public platforms for sharing their tacit knowledge like Github, Stack Exchange, and TacitKey. By creating a public editable knowledge base, you can encourage customers to interact, help resolve issues, and share their experiences in the system. Knowledge sharing activities are generally supported by knowledge management systems. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. The word is out…meetings just don’t cut it anymore. Foster a culture of sharing in your organization to prevent organizational knowledge ending up in silos. Valuing questions, ideation sessions, and free association. While the end goal of your knowledge sharing initiative should be for everyone to feel comfortable spreading the wealth in a multitude of ways, allow people to begin where they are comfortable. The most important that I see, are the following: Your Intranet as a central place to go to An awesome personalized intranet to serve as a hub for everything digital. Knowledge sharing increases social interaction in the workplace, leads to a rise in creative problem solving, preserves pre-existing knowledge so it is not lost as employees retire or move on, and enables every department to access the information they need, when they need it, therefore speeding up response times. Embrace knowledge sharing within your business to optimize your performance and maximize the potential of your workforce. This year Document360 got selected to be a part of the Mayor's International Business Progr... Get full access to the Document360 platform. Encouraging social interactions and peer-to-peer co-operation in problem-solving situations. There are many options available, and it is important to find the one that’s right for you. Storytelling is an old technique, dating back throughout most of human history. The 8 Steps of a Successful Change Management Process. Provide Constant Opportunities for Knowledge Sharing. It helps you maintain interactive communication wit... Background
During a peer assist, your team comes together to share experiences, insights, and knowledge to identify problems, challenges, and ‘wins’. Good luck! Knowledge sharing increases social interaction in the workplace, leads to a rise in creative problem solving, preserves pre-existing knowledge so it is not lost as employees retire or move on, and enables every department to access the information they need, when they need it, therefore speeding up response times. This helps all involved and ensures the asset is always evolving and delivering greater value. Don’t assume they don’t want to contribute just because they are new! Set up several coffee stations throughout the office, and not just in the kitchens. Content management systems are used to update, distribute, tag, and otherwise manage content. They may include a wide range of functions, … Knowledge base software like Document360 can provide a responsive knowledge base tool across all devices – desktop, tablet, and mobile. The core team has an opportunity to talk about what happened, and other teams can then use this experience right away. According to a survey conducted by we.CONECT, corporate culture is the third most influencing factor that enables employees to make use of a digital platform in the workplace. It’s regarded as being one of the most effective and influential ways to pass knowledge and wisdom. Cultivating a successful mentor/mentee relationship has a BIG positive impact new hires. KNOWLEDGE SHARING METHODS 3 •Peer Assist 5 •After Action Review 6 •Storytelling 7 •Mentoring 8 •Coaching 8 KNOWLEDGE SHARING MEETINGS 9 •Communities of Practice (Networks) 11 •Forums and Meetings 12 •Workshops,Training and Seminars 13 •Knowledge Fairs 14 TOOLS AVAILABLE THROUGH ENTRE NOUS 15 •Extranets 17 • Expertise Locator Systems 18 within data and documents).. 9. While it sounds spiteful, it’s actually more common than you might think, and it is a massive detriment to productivity for any organization experiencing it. Knowledge management is any system that helps people in an organization share, access, and update business knowledge and information. Encourage alternative methods of sharing Understand that not everyone in your organization may be equally comfortable creating written documents or tutorials, or using collaboration tools, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have knowledge to share. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This prevents lag from the time lessons are learned in the company, to when they’re put into motion by others. To know that there is someone they can go to with their questions, free of judgement, is a major confidence-booster and empowers new hires to speak up when they’re not following. Benefits of Knowledge Sharing. Getting employees to share their skills and knowledge with coworkers is a simple way to drastically improve strategy and quality within your teams. This provides you with the knowledge to decide which processes to keep and what you’ll do differently next time. Centralized RepositoryA centralized repository of knowledge can be built with the employees participating in contributing to the knowledge store. Use these tips as a launch pad, and your organization will be on it’s way to maximizing the impact of every single team member’s valuable contributions. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. This essay steps through five stages of knowledge transfer: creation, sharing, evaluation, dissemination, and adoption. Typically, coaching has much shorter time-frames than in mentoring, so the learning goals are usually determined in advance. Sounds pretty good, right? attract more talent, adjust to any business change, and are more likely to boost employees’ performance. Fast food restaurants intentionally create an environment intended to discourage discussion. However, technology constitutes only one of the many factors that affect the sharing of knowledge in organizations, such as organizational culture, trust, and incentives. Storytelling has become a useful marketing approach, and is a great knowledge sharing method. Not every conference is a stuffy, round-table discussion, so provide a space that allows for something less formal. 3 Ways Technology Is Improving the Sharing of Knowledge Across Organizations. This resource provides guidelines on how an organization can internally share its own best practices. Companies that grasp what the digital workplace is really all about are willing to change the ways people and applications connect across their organizations. Mentoring in a nutshell: Provides a safe environment for mentees to share whatever issues affect their professional and personal success. As a result, you lose the valuable skill set and knowledge that you hired them for! This is not something many consider when making efforts to... 2. Not everyone is an expert public speaker or professional round-table discusser, and not everyone feels confident sharing their written work, documents, graphs, tutorials, etc. KM consists of several components, as well as strategies to implement it successfully - we’ll delve deeper into these later in the article. Everyone loves being rewarded, and we are not above bribery. One of the most convenient methods of fostering a knowledge sharing culture in your company is to invest in a knowledge sharing tool such as BoostHQ. Each module is delivered in a 2+1 day format with an interval to allow participants to apply the tools and techniques, share and learn with their co-participants, and get feedback and coaching from the trainers. Ever find yourself repeatedly answering the same question? If organizations have to capitalize on the knowledge they possess, they have to understand how knowledge is created, shared, and used within the organization. This overload of data people are dealing with increases the importance of knowledge sharing within an organization. Coaching focuses on concrete issues, such as managing more effectively, speaking more articulately, and learning how to think strategically. 2. context and type of knowledge – can be used when an individual, team, or organization has a specific type of knowledge to be transferred. Here are a few suggestion to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard: Emphasize that every single team member has something valuable to share, and that can be accomplished in many different ways. Knowledge exists and is shared at different levels in organizations. Sharing learnings. Things like closely packed, uncomfortable seating and high dividers between spaces should act as a model of what NOT to do in your office space. Its aim is career development. Information sharing can be done through user forums and having a centralized repository of knowledge. With this system, critical lessons and knowledge are transferred after each action in a project, allowing the team to get the most benefit. Every technical writer has their own process for publishing outstanding content. Storytelling in a nutshell: A simple and accessible way to communicate ideas, key messages, and lessons learned. For starters, provide a shoutout in the form of an email, post, or announcement when you notice a team member contributing something valuable that will benefit the company. Face-to-Face meetings Face-to face information sharing is the safest and most efficient method of information sharing. Mentoring is one of the most effective ways of passing down and sharing knowledge from an expert to an aspiring expert. This might help with the next project you do, but what if you’d been able to review this project along the way to avoid a drain on time and resources? 1. Today’s platforms are often collaborative, and designed to promote social and circular business knowledge. Knowledge sharing has the potential to revolutionize how your business operates, enhancing the potential of what you know, and magnifying the value you can extract and utilize to deliver your proposition. Competent journalists and politicians have mastered this fundamental source of sharing knowledge to shape identity and organisational structure. Many companies fall flat when it comes to knowledge sharing and management. Devise a Strategic Plan for Sharing Best Practices; The developers of best practices can also design and carry out a plan to share internal best practices with the potential employees who can benefit from it. Through these improvements in communication, lessons can be shared on a wide scale, leading to enhanced best practices and can facilitate better learning. Things like closely packed, uncomfortable seating and high dividers between spaces should act as a model of what NOT to do in your office space. Whether the organization has a flat or hierarchical structure, encouraging teamwork and workplace collaboration helps in effective knowledge sharing and management. Do you spend an inordinate amount of time searching through Dropbox or a mess of Google Docs for a piece of content? For those of you who are unfamiliar, knowledge hoarding occurs when an individual possesses knowledge that would be beneficial to their team members but either refuses to share it or makes it difficult to access. Utilize Communication Tools. It’s a key process for knowledge management. Team members who already feel comfortable with this will have an opportunity to express their ideas, and team members who are a little shyer will get some great practice. Ultimately, knowledge management is an integrated system of accumulating, storing, and sharing knowledge within a team or organization. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Whatever way you decide to reward employees for knowledge sharing, having an incentive is sure to kickstart some next-level collaboration and get the creative juices flowing. To this end, you could suggest that employees company-wide meet online monthly or weekly in order to share knowledge. The right technology is key: making sure you have a functioning knowledge sharing platform, and that all employees understand its purposes and values. Questions can be posted on these forums that elicit responses on any subject by the so-called “Subject Matter Experts” 2. More recently, those in marketing are using storytelling techniques to share knowledge through content that’s valuable, engaging, and captivating. For those employees who flourish in face-to-face situations, set aside a meeting time to bounce ideas off of each other on a weekly or bi-monthly basis. Think of fast food restaurants; they intend to move customers through their establishment as quickly as possible (hence the name fast food). It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. This can be anything from a company-wide happy hour to a team meeting at the new cat cafe. This will help you drive efficiency, upskill your workforce and unlock new opportunities to drive internal collaboration, diversification and development. When your customer is faced with a struggle to find information, your company can suffer. Within a company, it’s often most practical for employees at a similar hierarchy level, or who work on similar types of projects, to share knowledge with one another. In meetings, everyone can share their information and ask questions. Document360 helps to build amazing online knowledge base (public or
This requires a content expert (coach) who is capable of teaching the coachee(s) how to develop these skills. Sometimes all it takes is a refreshing new space to set the collaboration in motion. with the entire company. Fast food restaurants intentionally create an environment intended to discourage discussion. But there are some timel... A knowledge base is crucial for your growth strategy. When you have a lot of information changing hands, it’s easy for important details to get missed in the transfer process. Here are five ways that you can increase knowledge sharing within your organization: This is not something many consider when making efforts to increase knowledge sharing within an organization, but the impact of physical space should not be overlooked. Mentoring looks to the future. Consider giving a bonus to the employee who shares the most highly utilized piece of content every quarter, or every year. Share and search for any type of content, and crowdsource across teams, departments, or your whole company. Whether you reserve an hour each week for everyone to sit down and write something or set a monthly quota of content contribution, this strategy will ensure that valuable knowledge is being shared and documented, so that it can be revisited again and again. Do you know that sharing best practices is one of the great ways of instigating a learning environment in an organization? Coaching in a nutshell: A coach is a specialist who works with the coachee on specific goals and objectives – the professional equivalent of a fitness trainer. brings seemingly endless benefits to organizations. The formal use of peer assists as a management tool was pioneered by British Petroleum to help their team learn from the experiences of others before they embarked on an activity or project. The practice is embedded into our culture. Specify exactly what the content was, and some tangible ways everyone will benefit from the contribution. 1. Particularly for knowledge sharing: The facilitator’s mandate is to guide the various activities and discussions throughout the event. IT is useful in most stages of the knowledge sharing process, and it is used for content management as well as data and text mining (looking for hidden knowledge, relationships, etc. Storytelling has become a useful marketing approach, and is a great knowledge sharing method. Sounds pretty good, right? Promote Psychological Safety in Knowledge Sharing. [3] We're democratizing company information so that employees can do their jobs, teams are more aligned, and companies can drive results. There are three approaches to select knowledge transfer method: 1. user needs – can be used, when an individual, team, or organization has a specific needs in mind. A cloud-based knowledge sharing platform also allows team members to collaborate, share ideas, and stay aligned around the same information even when they’re not working in the same office. Give small prizes like t-shirts, water bottles, and other swag to team members who are demonstrating excellent collaboration skills. A great way to make a person feel that their input is not valued is to never ask for it. Knowledge hoarding causes distrust amongst your team, kills any efforts being made to increase collaboration, and costs your company valuable time and money. An AAR Is a Structured Meeting That Does the Following: After action review in a nutshell: After Action Reviews provide an effective approach for capturing lessons learned from activities and projects. Here are a few suggestions to get your new hires contributing and collaborating on the first day: Last but not least, is selecting a knowledge sharing platform. 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