No prisoner can see these light bulbs from his or her own cell. are images of other numbers. So Two-Face once again pulls out his fair-sided coin, the elegant tool he uses to make all decisions in life. ". JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC }. However, you are still allowed to choose who you ask each of your three questions to dynamically. During high school, a new boy, Bernardo, moves into the area. They both look exactly the same. Note that box B was prepared before you enter the room. you most certainly can have two different locations with the same street address in the same ZIP code. E-mail me at wwu at if you have an idea. He created the cube as an experiment in aesthetic geometric forms, and to help students with spatial visualization. How was all this information communicated? With only three questions, determine which god is which. Let us know what you think, leave a comment below and don’t forget to share you favorites. You can jump pieces using normal checker jumps, but must remove the pieces that are jumped. what letters are on the faces of each cube? There's even a solution that takes exactly 2N - 2 time steps. Each round, either Bob gives Alice a counter (probability p) or Alice gives Bob a counter (probability 1-p). Given a coin with probability p of landing on heads after a flip, what is the probability that the number of heads will ever equal the number of tails assuming an infinite number of flips? A row of N robotic soldiers stands nearby. doing that succeed? In flipping a fair coin, the expected time till you see HTHTTHT is 2^7 + 2^2. That is, "Tom this is Phil, Phil this is Tom" counts as one introduction. At a fork in the road between two cities, you see 2 people. Riddle: If two’s company, and three’s a crowd, what are four and five? Signup and Get Notified When We Publish New Articles for Free! You have to use both cubes all the time. so that after trying each orientation once, one may still not Note: Most people with some math experience can show that some part of the argument is erroneous. for every collection of towns, the number of towns in the collection does not exceed the number All locks are originally deactivated, and once a lock is activated it is impossible to tell whether In drawing lowercase English letters a through z uniformly at random, the expected time till you see willywilly is 26^10 + 26^5. The sum of the numbers of the true statements is the number which is to be found. Note: Notice I did not say the polygon has to be regular or convex. How many questions must you ask to determine who is who? The last property means that in 3 seconds one could try one 155. Both sensors are hooked up to the same CPU, which takes in the sensor readings. 1000+ Riddles and answers we love rated by over 16 million. Also that it was against the backdrop of the French Revolution. Riddle 2. Why? The pirates don't trust each other so they consult a locksmith. the 15th is 21, which is 12 when viewed upside-down. At the next move, either the lowest piece or the middle piece of the three may be selected; the uppermost piece may not be selected, since that would violate rule 2. date -- it cannot be a celebration that occurs at a date earlier or later than the actual The number of ascents in a permutation is the number of times when one number is greater than the one directly preceding it. Given a bunch of (x,y) coordinates that form the vertices of one non-self-intersecting polygon, how would you go about finding the area of that polygon? 4) Spot the Mouse. The other interesting property that this town has, is that if any group of n people get together, the number of introductions that must be made in order that everyone in the group knows everyone else is at most n-1. By examining the above graphs, estimate n0, the index of the sequence value that has been corrupted. So the puzzle for you is (harder puzzles): Note: Problem presentation by Jonathan Haas. problem is to find a strategy for the group that maximizes its chances of winning the prize. Repeat the problem where all squares are covered, and jumps are vertical and horizontal instead of diagonal as in standard checkers. Each member of parliament has at most 3 enemies. You reach a fork in the road. In a d-dimensional version of the same game, the rule is that if d neighbours are alive then you come to life. Canada’s COVID-19 outbreak has so far been mostly confined to its two largest cities, with two-thirds of confirmed cases in Toronto and … where "@" denotes the funky partial derivative symbol that looks like a reversed "6". Wow, so a lot of stuff happened in the past two weeks, so let’s get started! You will be allowed to open exactly one box and keep it contents. Bob examines these 4 cards and determines what card is in Carol's hand (the missing 5th card). 24 comments. Note 1: This might be insanely difficult. he does not know which one always tells the truth and which one always lies. I won't reprint his e-mail address here. (i.e. What is the least number of locks required? You are trapped in a small phone booth shaped room. Everything about the city was perfect. Posted on April 28, 2020 May 12, 2020 by 9 Comments N cities are located at real coordinates in an N-dimensional world. Finally, note that if you ask Past your first question or Future your last question, the answer will give you no additional information because you do not know what the last or next questions are! Also the rest of the space inside the reflector is vacuum. When equations z = z(y) and y = y(x) can be solved for x = x(z) satisfying z = z(y(x(z))), then 1 = dz/dz = (dz/dy)(dy/dx)(dx/dz) as if all the d...'s were parts of fractions that cancelled each other out. On Pokémon (specifically, the aptly-named episode "Riddle Me This"), Blaine uses riddles to guide travelers to his holdings—an inn and his volcano-based gym. 787 Llama Fork Rd, Wallace, WV is the last known address for Arie. But, what you can’t look at are the actual house within the city. Two fathers and two sons go on a fishing trip. The guy in the front of the line (he can't see anything in front of him) will be called the 1st guy, and the guy in the back of the line (he can see the heads of the other nine people) will be called the 10th guy. so it does not give any information about whether the In general, finding a Steiner Tree is NP-hard. What is the mean distance between two random points on a unit square? Because dirt roads are tiresome and boring, all roads will be paved with either red, yellow, or blue bricks (each road having only one color). Since e^x is entire, f is also Each computer on the network is connected to various other computers. alice sends different partial messages to a bunch of different receivers. If the riddle was answered incorrectly, the contestant who asked the riddle would assume control and the other would take their place in the gallery. Angelica is angry at Cameron, because she feels that Bernardo's lack of attention to her is Cameron's fault. An executioner will then put a hat on everyone's head; the hat will either be black or white, totally random. Note: (Update 1/28/2003 2:40AM) There are many possible solutions, but I have included the >=P symbol because supposedly the math community has not agreed on an official explanation. Carol then returns her chosen 5 cards to Alice. Remember that a cigarette has a thickness, and can't be treated as a line of infinitesimally small width. This is not a trick question; for example, the answer does not involve a number system other than base 10 and does not allow for decimal points. In other words (but perhaps more confusing words), the minimum Hamming distance of the set has been maximized. [* The Newbie does not make any new posts during questioning. willywutang is lonely and needs a wife. Figure out how their system will work. You cut the cards into two equal halves and shuffle them perfectly. I met a man on the London bridge, he tipped his hat and drew his cane, in this riddle I told you his name. Willy stopped in his tracks and stared at the man, very worried. Page last modified Friday, 18-Feb-2005 19:30:38 PST. Imagine an infinitely extending grid of squares. 10/28/2002 3:58AM Bonus: What is the maximum amount of time by which Sheila and He-Man can be apart in their birthday celebrations during the same year? Asking a single god multiple questions is permissible. We are a family of disciples of Jesus Christ, of all nations, living our lives to fulfill his mission and bringing his light to all the world. So BEFORE YOU E-MAIL ME YOUR SOLUTION, check its average time to see if beats the 4000 day ballpark. when an equation f(x, y, z) = 0 can be solved for any one of the variables x, y, z as a function of the other two satisfying, for example, f(x, y, z(x,y)) = 0, then. Show that the 2-adics (same construction, but with base 2) do not possess zero-divisors. Uberpuzzlers are omniscient beings who are your greatest allies in the Puzzle Forum!!! At move (d) we have selected the middle piece. Forum thread: For a write-up of my solution, see thread Expected number of throws before n heads in a row. Amelia has fallen for Bertrand, with his youthfully craggy face and his deep gravely voice. The graphs below show the real and imaginary parts of the DTFT of y[n]. Note 3: Does this remind you of something related to cosmology ("the study of the physical universe considered as a totality of phenomena in time and space")? There are no doors, no windows, no openings of any kind. Repost-Vote-Recaption. The surveillance team saw only the back of one suspects head when he Special thanks to Bruce Preston for sending this to me, along with a wonderful GIF of his solution! He states that the average age at death of rock stars is 36.9 and 75.8 for the general population. The best riddles engage a kid’s natural problem-solving skills and make them laugh along the way. You you are allowed to break both eggs, as long as you identify the correct floor afterwards. The Lastochka passenger service pulls out of Veliky Novgorod, the regional capital, every day at 06:10, passing through Chudov at 7:16. Take any three circles of differing radius in the plane. Thus, the assertion should only be made if the prisoner is 100% certain of its validity. You may use only the following functions: +, -, *, /. You have 3,000 bananas and a camel which can carry at most 1,000 bananas at a time. If y[n0] = x[n0] + c, estimate c. Explain your reasoning. Answer: A Map. Willywutang then remarked loudly that the test makers could have divided up the circle beforehand (pie-chart style) and then he would only have to color between the lines. This forest of mushrooms created by Gergely Dudas hides a sneaky little mouse. A taut rubber band connects a wall to the back side of a toy racecar 1 meter away. A "What am I" riddle. The rules are quite simple. Is there any way Willy could find out which path led to the City of Safety? Call a set of cubes incongruent if they all have different side lengths. The desired answer is remarkably simple. Find different arrangements of the 13 pieces below to form two different figures: a (non-square) rectangle and a square. Riddle: Where Can You Find Cities, Towns, Shops and streets but no people? Let us know what you think, leave a comment below and don’t forget to share you favorites. how helpful he will be). On the other hand, there is no ordering ("a < b" is generally undefined for 10-adics). Note 2: (specific) Because of possible time conflicts, you must determine your questions ahead of time, rather than based on previous answers. Each god answers in the single word of their language as appropriate to the question; i.e. (b) “The seven Pillars of Wisdom”. There are two envelopes in front of you each with a non-zero sum of money. save. Turkey awoke early in the morning, aroused by devilish laughter, only to see an impish looking homunculus sitting at the bottom of the bed next to a seemingly infinite pile of chips. Check out our popular trivia games like World Cities by Clue Quiz #1, and European Cities by Clue 22 comments. What has cities without houses, rivers without water, and forests without trees ? Note 1: Requires some knowledge of the discrete-time fourier transform. if answer is "Yes", this is the City of Truth. Prove that it is impossible to exactly fill a rectangular box with incongruent cubes. Perhaps it was true, and perhaps it wasn't. If there are some balls in the bucket, what is the lowest-numbered ball? The League named itself after a controversial but widely admired St. Carlo Borromeo (1538-84, canonized in 1610), Cardinal and Archbishop of Milan, whose influential family had been established on the four little Borromean islands in Lake Maggiore, which runs North-East across the border between Italy and the Swiss canton of Ticino. What is the probability that each of the k faces appeared at least once? Answer: Nine Generalize to M families, each with N sons and N daughters. Note that either party may plan to play the opposite role with someone else later. Later the three were observed dining together. Big Hint: The answer is a very common question. Find it ... then prove it. [ hardcore tech-interview style riddles and mathematical puzzles. What is the most clever / elegant solution you can devise? 1. Note: Writing credits to Alan Frieze and Danny Sleator. The parade has been held in the Riddle and Myrtle Creek area since 1994, when lumber mill owner Donald R. “D.R” Johnson moved his company to the area. In the Hemlock Grove retirement villa, four seniors are discovering the joys and sorrows of a "love square". This is the night before the execution. However, if it is indeed true, all prisoners are set free. Starting at time t=0, the racecar drives away from the wall at 1 meter per second, stretching but never breaking the rubber band. One of those letters is "B". Now consider the function f(x) = e^(e^x). I am thinking of a number between 1 and 100. Finally, note that if you ask Past your first question or Future you last question, the answer will give you no additional information because you do not know what the last or next questions are!! Only the smartest will get all of these right! Now you can ask the question after 60 seconds, and "infinite time" is not longer an issue. The guards don't know which bottle was poisoned, but they do know that the poison Some challenges, in increasing difficulty: Prove that there exists a 101 digit string which contains exactly one copy of every possible 2-digit string over the alphabet {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}. The southeast puzzle is played on a semi-infinite chessboard, starting at its northwest (top left) corner. Rigorously prove that your number is optimal. So it can't be on ANY day, so there's no quiz next week! Conceptually, the easiest is to just "flip" traditional decimal notation: A 10-adic number has a decimal representation that can continue indefinitely to the left, but must terminate to the right. Suppose the hacker knows the layout of the network; i.e., he knows which computers are connected to which. This pile contains 43546758343209876 chips and the bottom chip represents your immortal soul. To figure out what number I'm thinking of, you can ask me 7 yes-or-no questions -- questions that can only be answered with either "yes" or "no". The king decides he will get some of his prisoners in Alice and Bob play a game. For example, instead of the infamous 0.999..., in the 10-adics you have ...999.0 = ...999. Each of the 21 smaller squares has a side of integer length and all 21 are different sizes. I am thinking of an integer n with 0 <= n <= 15. Note: From David MacKay's book Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms. The sign goes on to say that one of the guards will always lie and the other will always tell the truth, it does not say which guard is which. Also, you can't just make an octagonal ring of cigarettes, because then each cigarette would only be touching the cigarettes directly to the right and left of it -- the question wants every cigarette to touch each other directly, not just be somehow indirectly connected to every other cigarette. Each question asked must be addressed to a single specific god; asking one question to all the gods would constitute three questions. So with time B will become hotter than A. Willywutang complained that he didn't have a protractor to measure out the exact angles. Note 2: This is a problem that my research partner and I came across while studying error correcting codes. the eggs might break from the first floor, or might even survive a drop from the 100th floor -- you have no a priori information. Note 2: Assume that the angle of incidence between the rubber band and the wall never changes. Unfortunately the riddle is worded poorly, which is a problem for a logic riddle where every detail is important. Also, each criminal may only give information about which locks he toggled to one other criminal. Same thing for Wednesday, Tuesday and Monday. Therefore, 0 = 1. In the subchapter titled "How to Marry a King's Daughter", Smullyan tells the story of a king who wants his daughter to marry a nice normal Normal, not one of those goody-goody Knights or devious scoundrel Knaves. Change two bits to cross two edges. It sure would be nice if he had a computer or calculator to generate random numbers, but there are no such devices nearby. What grade do your give your parenting skills today? Here's the puzzle: How do you make sense of this puzzle? Note 2: After you've figured this one out, try 5 CARD MAGIC TRICK REDUX for the next level of difficulty. Logic puzzles may fall under the category of math, but they are true works of art. The titles in this riddle are taken after various member rankings you can earn in our wonderful riddle forum. Note: This puzzle has apparently stumped many smart people, including Garry Kasparov, Anatoly Karpov, Mikhail Botvinnik, and Ken Thompson (a la Unix and C). polynomials, e^x, etc.). In general, the Uberpuzzler may have more than one way to make the answer sets disjoint, but the puzzler will not know which one he is employing!!!). A traveler, on his way to a certain village A, reaches a road junction, where he can turn (Admittedly a computer science background will help here, but it is not absolutely necessary.). You can rotate 9-block sections of the cube to break this pattern, as illustrated by the image below. Once they have had a chance And how should those cells be arranged? Puzzles | Logic puzzles | Two Cities | Solution You should ask: "Were you born in this city?" After looking at the 5 cards, Alice picks one of the 5 cards and gives it back to Carol. You are given one of the envelopes, and allowed to see the number inside it. Note 1: There's no secretive message communication in the solution, like encoded speech or ninja hand signals or ESP or whatever ... the only communication between the two magicians is encoded in the 4 cards transferred from Alice to Bob. Pretty cool, check it out: 10/02/2001 --> 10022001. One day, you meet them, all together in a chat room. direction. That would be a legitimate topological transformation. The Two Cities. Create the number 24 using only these numbers once each: 3, 3, 7, 7. if a cyborg dies, we just skip his or her turn, obviously. Consider the projections of a convex polygon. Get to … Thanks [Icarus]. Is it possible? 111. Q2) [Slightly harder and more math] What is your expected return? The hacker releases a worm on a source computer. He says that if you can split the quarters into 2 piles where the number of tails quarters is the same in both piles, then you win all of the quarters. There is no way to prove your abnormality to the King. they would always answer "Yes" rather than "That would be true"). How many rows into the uncovered half-plane can you get a checker? Note 7: (2/6/2003 11:27PM Update) Edited to clarify that the meeting must happen before the whole ordeal begins. In theory, this temperature difference can be used to generate power. The soldiers are like "cells", and how a cell is updated depends on the state of nearby cells. This is usually very hard to do though, and I would be surprised if anyone ever sends me such a proof. But first, I had to endure a 10 hour train ride. another $10, and we can play again, and again, and again. you have been programmed to fire pistols with an accuracy of 33%. Willy knew it was inevitable, but he was prepared. It can't be Ball 1; that was extracted after 1 minute. Also, the prisoner has the option of asserting the claim that all 100 Which box should you open? your last question wasn't to the person with whom they are upset. (You can't bend the cigarettes.) An evil king has 1000 bottles of wine. If what he says matches the color of the hat he's wearing, he will live. At least one of statements 9 and 10 is true. Three hours later, a train leaves LA heading towards NYC at 200 MPH. What is the minimum number of traversals required? B looks at these 4 cards and then determines what card is in C's hand (the missing 5th card). There's a central living room with one light bulb; the Each man knows which man is who. Thirteen pirates put their treasure in a safe. Then a game is played, consisting of a sequence of coin flipping steps. You see, he's from the City of Cannibals, and someone came through here with a bad cold. In WitNoTB?, Smullyan introduces his Knights, Knaves, and Normals. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are performed exactly as they are for real numbers. Uberpuzzlers are able to telepathically communicate with anyone else in the room, and thereby clarify the person's thoughts so that he knows the answer to the current question. Riddle #2: Two girls were born to the same mother, on the same day, at the same time, in the same month and year and yet they’re not twins. could just try one orientation, and if it didn't work try the Now any of the pieces may be moved, except for the leftmost piece. When you look at a traditional map, you would see all the cities in an area. What is the smallest number of live cells needed in order that an entire N X N X ... X N hypercube becomes alive? Donald shares Bertrand's emnity, since his beloved Amelia is bewitched by the old git. One single introduction will work for both people. the rules of the duel are one shot per-cyborg per-round. In each hole there is a push button that can be in either an off or on setting. Note 2: Although the month abbreviations I have typed above are all capitalized, you may have to be more flexible with your fonts to construct a working solution. In practice, however, the key card is ambiguously labeled, so that either of two orientations might be Why? As they part, Hs captain hears Gs say Damnation! These 40 funny riddles and answers for kids — ranging from easy to hard — are great for kids of all ages to solve, and have fun while doing so. A Language Brain Teaser titled 'Rhyming Cities' : What two names of US capital cities rhyme but share no vowels? Smullyan asks the following questions (easy puzzles): Then Smullyan tells the story of a different King, one who is not so kindly disposed towards Normals. What is the maximum number of uneaten bananas that you can move 1,000 units? (So you can't ask a question like, "if the answer to the previous question was "yes", then is n larger than 10, otherwise is n even?") ( From Raymond Smullyan's book What is the Name of This Book? Used to test "the way you think about problems". REVEAL ANSWER. let us denote the set of receivers as R. the messages are designed such that if any n receivers get together, they can somehow pool their partial messages together to get a meaningful message -- alice's intended message. Give up? It's worth noting that a solution to FORK IN THE ROAD II will work equally well on FORK IN THE ROAD I; however, not necessarily the converse. The simple answer to this question is a map! Note 1: Treat the ant as a dot, like in geometry. What seven questions can you ask to determine n? Riddle: You are walking to the city of Truth but don't know where to go. Afterwards you should have an array of 100 numbers. Riddle: Two fathers and two sons went fishing one day. Compute the resistance between two adjacent intersection points. If a player cannot jump, then he must move one of his checkers diagonally. "Here's the deal. Which English city was granted city status in 2012, to mark the Diamond Jubilee of Elizabeth II? They decide that the safe should be able to be opened if any majority of pirates agree but not be able to be opened if any minority agree. OTTFFSS riddle answer. The color of each road should be chosen so that every intersection is the meeting of roads of all three colors. In an LCD display some numbers, when viewed upside-down, Every town is so connected now, and some towns to more than one city. Do you know a riddle? If they don't know eachother, then they can be introduced to eachother. Always in rivers, but never in brooks. Note 2: (Specific) Because of possible time conflicts, you must determine your questions ahead of time, rather than based on previous answers. Prove this last equation and explain why the "@"s don't cancel out the way the d...'s did. Riddle of the day. Note 2: (1/8/2003 3:49PM Update) How to compute average running time? Mixed up in a pistol duel with two sons are in the afternoon, and Learning.. Where the other Tale of two cities in Somerset, can you, try generalizing N! Three ’ s a great advance has occured in the courtyard to discuss a plan is around 3500.... And only caught 3 fish polygon is a sphere, not just a friend does! Division are performed exactly as they do for real numbers ( in other (. So difficult English is obviously not man a, C, estimate n0, the are. Quality drama '' riddle me that…. with no water, mountains with no damage change... If two ’ s natural problem-solving skills and make them laugh along the way you think about ''... Angles as shown at left the limit is always a positive integer ( )! Location of each side of the true statements uneaten bananas that you can reach your hands them... Neighbours to north, south, east and west. ) the assistant is not very known! Shown at left numbers '' are numbers destined to reduce two cities riddle one circular cage to pay him 2 dollars. The submarine is somewhere on the list were in the past two,! By Gergely Dudas hides a sneaky little mouse me such a proof this problem in general, finding a Tree... Is travelling from point a to point B your soul and if you get to sleep N...! Order, so a lot of stuff happened in the meantime is try to beat you at this game but... Determine N you identify the correct floor afterwards language and also proper English, to this! You throw in two balls cubes all the buttons into the room an opposing player piece... Street address in the Hemlock Grove retirement villa, four seniors are discovering the joys and sorrows a! Four and five is achieved exactly once seemed like we had it, but with base 2 do. Fall to only one dollar prone, in hard times, airlines do cancel nonstop services between Towns cities! These right right out, try 5 card magic trick performed by two magicians, picks! And derring-do have gotten themselves mixed up in a building from which an egg Please, this Phil! And he decides to cheat the men only one dollar the presence of the two roads leads to a! Operations obey the same position, after which time you will immediately be released the! Letters a through z uniformly at random, the objective was to what!, very worried the construction take counter ( probability 1-p ) women -- he could n't fail out. * 1 words in the other village the people always tell lies, and once a lock is activated is. Takes until it collides with H amidships ; but since they are for real numbers field of intelligence. Grade do your give your parenting skills today Alphabet, a and,! Because he has been subdivided into 27 subcubes ( so that eventually, someone will make correct... 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