In such cases, total users could number in the thousands. © 2008-2021 LoadStorm, LLC. Each office has 2,000 employees. Change ), USE WINDOWS SERVER TO PERFORM A SIMPLE MULTI-USER LOAD TEST WITH APPLOADER ». For our example, we’ll say 1,000 in each office. For example, if you successfully run a 100-user test, then see a value of 50 for Max Users , that means of the your 100 users that ran, 50 of them ran simultaneously. Anyone who works in an office knows that 100% of the employees are rarely in the office at the same time, let alone sitting at their desks hammering away at an application. There is a similar thread, please also go through it to help troubleshoot this issue: Total AD Concurrent Logins Concurrent Users:. However, by differentiating between total users and concurrent users, we find that a realistic and meaningful load test would login 1590 users, of which 1,064 would execute actions within the application. So for me to guess the concurrent users on a peak hr, am doing below math. 250 query logged in users x 2 offices = 500 I have to come up with a concurrent user base for my app where there would be 3420 phone stores in total. Here’s the math: The total simulated users will generally be much higher than concurrent users, but the actual count depends on lots of other factors such as the number of pages in the script, think times, etc. I have searched extensively to try and get some figures on how many concurrent users SharePoint can typically handle but havent had much luck. Test Plan 2 – Perform the following workflows simultaneously: If Munich closes at 6:00, the peak load for our application need only include two offices accessing the application at the same time. If you have only one page in your script, then a concurrent user will last for less than a minute and then another one will take its place. And now, based on the above example, here’s the recommended Test Case: For PlayStation 4 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Steam only has 12 million concurrent users vs. PS4 21 million ? if you stop and restart your broadcast, this number will return to zero. If you want 100 concurrent users during the load test duration, it seems you have already known it as you mentioned above, like achieve user load to 1000. One Hr users = 13680/8hrs = 1710. Of the 1,000, let’s say 750 clerical users login to the application at the beginning of their day, add and update records, then log out at the end of the day. The other 250 query users login only when they need to do a query, then logout. Thus Average Concurrent User comes around 20. That would assume that 100% of all potential users are logged in at the same time. The LoadStorm test parameters simulate “concurrent” users not total users. As my understanding, what you actually want to know may be how many virtual users you need to simulate. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Concurrent users are defined as the total number of people using an online resource in a particular location within a predefined period of time. Hi Motoma, Sorry for confusing you. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. ( Log Out /  "Hourly Sessions x Average Session Duration (in seconds) / 3,600" is the formula we recommend to get started It’s always good to take the guesswork … So, again, applying some statistical logic, let’s say 33% of the clerical users are concurrently adding records and 33% are updating records, and 75% of the query users are performing queries simultaneously. Their applications may be accessed remotely from all over the world. However a noticeable point is in an hour a user runs for only 10 mins and is inactive for most of the time. We’re beginning to get a range for the number of concurrent users for a load test. Edwer Fang [MSFT] MSDN Subscriber Support in Forum If you have any feedback on our support, please contact msdnmg @ Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. Concurrent users is a common metric that is used to manage capacity, define licenses and to performance test software.The following are illustrative examples of concurrent users. Concurrent Users: Users with an active session on PCS (logged in), across the cluster VPN Tunneling users: Users with active VPN Tunneling sessions across the cluster Local VPN Tunneling users: Users with active VPN Tunneling session on the specific node Local users: Users with an active session on … Concurrent Connection Limits a maximum number of open connections which can be set for each user entry by checking the Maximum concurrent connections check box and entering a number in the accompanying field. concurrent users. But there’s one more consideration. What is the difference between the terms concurrent and parallel execution? Hence the users which are running under a test plan; irrespective of the activities they are doing; are ‘Concurrent Users’. • Workflow 2 – 470 users adding new records in the application; Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Concurrent user licensing allows firms to purchase computer systems and software at a lower cost because the maximum number of concurrent users expected to use the system or software at any given time (those users all logged in together) is only a portion of the total system users employed at … You are currently reading Understanding the Difference between Total Users and Concurrent User at nrgglobal. To arrive at the number of logged in users, let’s say 95% of clerical users and 33% of query users are logged in at once, therefore: (1,500 x .95) = 1425; (500 x .33) = 165; Total logged in users = 1,590. Sales & Support: 1 (505) 503-6249 In the above example, this user can log in twice concurrently with the same username. Concurrent Views: Displays how many viewers are watching the stream at each second.As viewers join and leave the stream, this number will fluctuate up and down. Not all of our users will be active in the application simultaneously. There will be around 200 logins per day, in that i need to calculate concurrent logins per day. named users. So requests are made to server but is there any formula which can give concurrent users What is the total amount of users that can be loaded in the AD or Exchange. A subset of active users, concurrent users are simultaneously demanding system resources. So, in this example, we would need a total of 3 user/device licenses, even though we have 4 individual users and 6 individual devices in the mix. Working out the number of Concurrent users in a load test . Do we need to run a 2,000 user load test? I've never quite been able to grasp the distinction. However, by differentiating between total users and concurrent users, we find that a realistic and meaningful load test would login 1590 users, of which 1,064 would execute actions within the application. Named users are all of the users authorized to use IBM Cognos BI; that is, your total user population. The starting and peak number of virtual users in LoadStorm represent concurrent users or the number of simulated users at a particular point in time. Let’s say Medical Provider Incorporated (a fictitious company) has offices in Munich, New York and Los Angeles. 750 clerical logged in users x 2 offices = 1,500 LOL PC trolls". Logically when we do any performance improvement the concurrent users should increase rather than decrease. All rights reserved. For example : At a specific point of time, a subset of registered users would be accessing the system during a sales season. Each concurrent user will last for the duration of the script. The best explanation I can offer is that concurrent users are connected to your application and are all requesting work at some regular interval –but not all at once, and not for the same thing. I expect a lot of users … The tag defines concurrency as a manner of running two processes simultaneously, but I thought parallelism was exactly the same thing, i.e. The LoadStorm test parameters simulate “concurrent” users not total users. If my total number of threads are 100 i.e 100 requests are being sent to application with say in 100 seconds. In the performance testing term, you would say ‘a period of time’ implies ‘test duration’. This graph shows the number of users logged in to PCS device. Users spending on the page about 15 min, and the site is generally accessed between 9AM EST and 6PM PST (15 hours). here at any point in the scenarion no 2 users are logged in to the system. Total Viewers: Shows how many viewers have watched the stream since the current broadcast began. • Workflow 1 – 470 users updating existing records in the application; Recognizing the difference between total users and concurrent users is key in configuring a realistic and meaningful test plan. If you want to measure concurrent users, you'd have to find some way to count the current logon/logoff session or find some third party tool. (total monthly users)/(30 days a month * 15 hours a day * 4 {note, 60min/15min per user} = daily average concurrent user load. Although not all 1,590 users will be active in the application, the fact that they’re logged into the application means that their imposing a load on the resources. In this process, every user will wait for the other user to complete the entire transaction before logging. When configuring a test plan for our clients we want to establish a realistic number of concurrent users, in other words, the number of users actually in the system, actively using the application at a given time. Test Plan 1 – Login 1,590 users. I have been informed by Microsoft that 50 users is max on std and 75 on premium. Each store will have 4 users which constitute to 13680 total users. All online resources—websites and other services—are hosted on web and application servers at data centers, hosting companies, or cloud computing centers. tl;dr — This post is about using Google Analytics to determine how many concurrent users to specify in your load tests. Concurrent users is the total number of people who use a service in a predefined period of time. active users. USE WINDOWS SERVER TO PERFORM A SIMPLE MULTI-USER LOAD TEST WITH APPLOADER. Concurrent User License Sample set of 40 Licenses. The concurrent user approach is more flexible, but does require us to make some assumptions to compare with the named users in the previous example: The business executives login for only 5-10 minutes each per week, so they can share a license with each other or one of the other team members. : separate threads or processes which can potentially be run on separate processors. and the whole thing multiplied by 50% to suggest a 50% chance of those total users online executing a request at roughly the same time. Let’s say Medical Provider Incorporated (a fictitious company) has offices in Munich, New York and Los Angeles. We are setting up a SharePoint 2010 Web Application which will roughly have 30,000+ total users and the number of concurrent users using the system can be extremely high. Recognizing the difference between total users and concurrent users is key in configuring a realistic and meaningful test plan. Number of virtual users = 10 * 10 * 3600 / 600 = 600. Remote workers are webmail only, Any help in licence efficiencies would be helpful Where people get into trouble is when they confuse concurrent users with simultaneous users, who are all requesting workat the same time for the same thing. Actually i have been told to calculate concurrent users day. Logged in users, even if dormant, still require system resources so it’s important to test with an adequate number of logged in users. Performance Testing, Simultaneous User, Concurrent Users, Difference between Simultaneous Users and Concurrent Users, Performance Testing Basics, Simultaneous Vs Concurrent Each office has 2,000 employees. At present I have 52 users in list. Now imagine that same classroom with no walls and an unlimited number of desks, but it has a chalkboard (or dry erase board for the newer generation) that can only allow 40 students to write on it at any given time, where those student that can write represents the total number of user allowed to log into the system. First, determine the number of employees that actually access the enterprise application under test. Let’s do some quick math: Thus I again use the formula to calculate the Average Concurrent Users, which comes around 15. ( Log Out /  There is a big difference between simultaneous and concurrent users in load testing world. So we’ll apply some statistical logic to arrive at a realistic number of concurrent users for a peak load test. Load Testing - Frequently Asked Questions. Not necessarily. for a span of time. Because of the time differences between the three offices, there are times when users from one office will be active, while users from other offices will be home sleeping! It is usually calculated with a short time period of 1 to 30 minutes. However, we’re not quite through. Tagged: Application Testing, application testing; performance testing, Concurrent Users, load testing, Test Case, Test Plan. Many of our clients have enterprise applications that are accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Completely login all users before advancing to Test Plan 2. ( Log Out /  Be sure to analyze your environment carefully to determine your meaningful load test user requirements. A subset of named users, active users are logged on to IBM Cognos BI and can demand system resources. You can calculated concurrent users with the following formula. I think that the maximum user count is related about the virtual user limitation of VS load test. With “simultaneous” or “concurrent” user licensing, you only need to buy a license for the number of people who will be using the system at the exact same time, which is typically much less than the total number of “named” users (i.e. ( Log Out /  First, a note about the Max Users measurement, as seen in the above screenshot: Max Users refers to the maximum concurrent (simultaneous) users achieved during the test. So, in summary, on the surface we might have assumed that a 6,000 user load test would be required for Medical Provider Incorporated to adequately load test their application. But thinking from a server point of view, the server doesn't differentiate whether a single user has sent 100 requests within 1 hour or … Email: total user ID codes). LoadStorm will create a new session for each virtual user, but it will not maintain the session after the script has ended, so your session should time out as you have configured it. So our load test will feature 1,590 logged in users. We still need to account for the actual concurrent user activity. Concurrent user licensing is often much more affordable than total/named user licensing, especially when users only need to access to the … If this is checked, then the user is a Named User. any insights would help me in making sure I implement support in my application that is on par for the demand. Concurrent Users: The word concurrent is used only for the events that occur over a period of time i.e. If you don't yet see data in the users, sessions, or events blades in the Application Insights portal, learn how to get started with the usage tools. • Workflow 3 – 124 users querying records in the application. To find out which users are Named Users - the Employee business object includes a Boolean field called 'Is Named User'. Be sure to analyze your environment carefully to determine your meaningful load test user requirements. Now I made some performance improvement and the Average Visit comes down to 1.2 minutes. Concurrent Users refers to the total number of users who perform the same operation or transaction exactly at the same point of time. Concurrent Users share a finite amount of licenses. Simultaneous users: Lets say that users are logging into application, send a mail and logout. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. For example, if you have a test with one script having one page, starting at 10 concurrent users and peak of 10 concurrent users for 20 minutes, there will be 200-300 total users simulated (and same number of sessions). Given that the price point for a concurrent license is 2x that of a user/device license, this small sample organization would absolutely benefit from user/device licensing as they may need as many as 4 concurrent users licenses. Albuquerque, New Mexico. 1425 x .33 = 470 (updating); 1425 x .33 = 470 (adding); 165 x .75 = 124 (queries) The total simulated users will generally be much higher than concurrent users, but the actual count depends on lots of other factors such as the number of pages in the script, think times, etc. Concurrent Session Based License (CSBL) is a welcome return for companies that have a mix of Internal users and/or are using their Business Objects platform to provide embedded reporting service an unknown number of “generic public” users via the Java or .Net SDK. If a concurrent user runs a single-user desktop and additional published desktops and applications, the user is counted only once. Example: 250 visits per 1 day I need to load upto 75 users but only connect upto 50 concurrent. At 9:00 AM when the Los Angeles office opens, it’s noon in New York, but it’s already 6:00 PM in Munich. Hence the above formula gives a user count of 600 users. 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